Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Most Popular Heavy Metal Band In Australia â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Examine About The Most Popular Heavy Metal Band In Australia? Answer: Introducation Rough Pop Pty Ltd is holding a stage performance highlighting Metalurgica (most famous substantial metal band in Australia). So as to advance the equivalent, the organization sets up commercial in the national papers alongside web whereby the ticket cost of $ 150 is imparted and the method to guarantee the ticket is sketched out. Further, it is additionally featured that Metalurgica band would be available. Rachael on observing the commercial makes the online installment of $ 150 and gets the ticket. The ticket diagrams the avoidance condition that there would be no discounts and the organization holds no risk if Metalurgica doesn't turn up because of any explanation. It so happens that before the show, the Metalurgica musicians are trapped in a medication case and consequently couldn't perform at the show. The organization supplanted Metalurgica with another classification band which Rachael didn't care for and henceforth requested discount before the show. The organization refered to the prohibition provision and would not restore the cash. The odds of Rachael prevailing in the executives discount guarantee should be examined. Pertinent Rules Exclusion condition might be characterized as a legally binding term which is joined so as to either absolve a specific authoritative gathering (normally the respondent) from obligation or breaking point the quantum of risk when a specific occasion happens (Carter, 2012). For an exception statement to be substantial, there are sure pre-conditions that should be meet which are sketched out underneath. It must be conveyed to the next gathering before the order of the agreement It is basic for rejection statement to be enforceable that the gathering fusing the equivalent must put forth all sensible attempts to convey the equivalent or to get notice of the other party with the goal that assent on the equivalent can be gotten. Inability to do so would prompt the prohibition provision not being material (Latimer, 2005). A main case in this respects is Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking [1971] 1 All ER 686. For this situation , the offended party Mr. Thornton was leaving his vehicle in a business parking spot which clarified that the proprietors are leaving the vehicles at their own hazard. Be that as it may, all the while, Mr. Thornton was harmed all the while and guaranteed pay. In any case, the proprietor of the space carried the prohibition proviso to the notification of the offended party which was imprinted on the ticket gave. This permitted the organization to get away from any obligation corresponding to injury to the driver. Be that as it may, this rejection proviso was not viewed as enforceable by the court as the ticket was given was the programmed gadget simply after the vehicle had been left. Henceforth, when the ticket was given, the agreement was at that point sanctioned accordingly barring the rejection proviso referenced on the ticket from being enforceable (Paterson,Robertson and Duke, 2015). A comparative decision was featured in Olley v Marlborough Court [1949] 1KB 532 where the offended party was educated regarding the avoidance proviso simply after the agreement was instituted and henceforth considered non-enforceable. Thus, it is basic that if the avoidance statement isn't express, it must be brought to the notification of the other party before ordering the agreement (Lindgren, 2011). It must be legitimate In the event that the avoidance statement plans to antagonistically affect the enthusiasm of the purchasers, at that point the equivalent would not be held enforceable as the goal of prohibition provision isn't to give shield to the deceptive and misleading activity by one of the legally binding gathering (Harvey, 2009). In prohibition conditions with respect to assurance from insignificant lead, it would be viewed as legitimate just if the any sensible gathering on the opposite side would comprehend that the sole motivation behind embeddings the statement is to shield the concerned party from carelessness direct. Likewise, agree should be gotten before the agreement is sanctioned (Gibson and Fraser, 2014). Application It is clear from the given realities that an avoidance statement is available in the bookkeeping case which looks to ensure the organization (Rocky Pop Pty Ltd) from any obligation in the event that the star band Metalurgica neglects to turn up. With the end goal for this to be substantial, it is clear based on the important principle that the equivalent would should be discussed to the next gathering unequivocally that too before the entering of the agreement. Notwithstanding, the basic reality to be seen is that the prohibition statement was conveyed to Rachael just when the physical ticket is gotten. No notice of this avoidance provision is there in the notice that has been placed in the papers and furthermore the web. Further, the organization doesn't make any endeavor to educate the client for example Rachael about such a condition before sanctioning the agreement. The agreement establishment was finished when Rachael finished the installment and the ticket was dispatched the or ganization. In view of the above realities, it is obvious that the prohibition statement was featured by the organization simply after agreement fulfillment. Likewise, it should be viewed as that Rachaels choice to go to the band was provoked distinctly by the nearness of Metalurgica band and the elective band orchestrated by the organization isn't enjoyed by Rachael. Accordingly, in view of the decision in the Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking case and furthermore Olley v Marlborough Court case, the avoidance proviso would not be held substantial. End The above conversation of the case unmistakably mirrors the disappointment with respect to Rocky Pop Pty Ltd to hint the client (Rachael) of the presence of a prohibition statement before the authorization of the agreement. Subsequently, it would be struck somewhere near the court and the organization would need to discount the $ 150 or ticket cash to Rachael. So as to maintain a strategic distance from discount, the organization ought to have remembered the rejection proviso for the commercials in order to educate the clients about the nearness regarding the equivalent subsequently picking up their assent. One of the most noteworthy arrangements of the Australian Consumer Law concerning ensuring the enthusiasm of the shoppers against tricky and misdirecting conduct is s. 18. As per this segment, any individual associated with any exchange or business must not enjoy a lead which is tricky or deceiving. It is basic that any direct which conceivably can delude is likewise disallowed under this area (Davenport and Parker, 2014). The forms of use of area 18 are very expansive and will in general incorporate the deceptive ads which are provided so as to pull in more business or to increase serious edge however to the detriment of the enthusiasm of the purchaser (Latimer, 2005). This is obvious from the milestone case Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v TPG Internet Pty Ltd[2013] HCA 54. For this situation, it was plainly featured that there is responsibility of the notices that are given either in paper, web or some other media. Further, it was additionally featured that the app ended terms to an offer should likewise be unmistakably featured and just concentrating on the features can possibly misinform the client (Gibson and Fraser, 2014). In the given case, the promotion put by the organization in the paper and web neglects to feature the avoidance condition and furthermore the discount strategy. In any case, it is impossible that regardless of whether the clients alongside Rachael knew the equivalent, there choice to buy the ticket would modify in any noteworthy way. Likewise, on the resistance of the organization, it is clear that they are submitted on getting the band Metalurgica yet their nonappearance is by virtue of an explanation which is unexpected by the organization just as the clients. In this way, it doesn't appear that the nonappearance of prohibition condition was with a goal to delude expected purchasers of ticket or could have essentially affected their choice. Hence, it doesn't appear that the organization can be blamed for infringement of s.15 of Australian Consumer Law (ACL). As per s. 64 of ACL, independent of the immediate and aberrant terms of agreement, the assurance of the dealer with respect to specific rights can't be excluded or constrained. Further, if there should arise an occurrence of show sees which additionally reach out to ads, it is normal that solitary the arrangements illustrated in the notice with respect to risk might be material (Lindgren, 2011). Obviously, in the given case, the organization has neglected to make reference to that the tickets would not be refundable and furthermore there is no risk if there should be an occurrence of band Metalurgica not turning up. These provisions basically are planned for constraining the assurance of administration and option to discount which are available in the given deals. Subsequently, these arrangements can't be viewed as enforceable and thus, there is infringement of this area by the organization because of which fine might be forced on the organization other than risk to discount the cash taken from Rachael. References Carter, J. (2012) Contract Act in Australia. third edn. Sydney: LexisNexis Publications. Davenport, S. what's more, Parker, D. (2014) Business and Law in Australia. second edn.. Sydney: LexisNexis Publications. Gibson, A. what's more, Fraser, D. (2014) Business Law. eighth edn. Sydney: Pearson Publications. Harvey, C. (2009) Foundations of Australian law. third edn. London: Tilde University Press. Latimer, P. (2005) Australian business law. 24th edn. Sydney: CCH Australia Ltd. Lindgren, K.E. (2011) Vermeesch and Lindgren's Business Law of Australia. twelfth edn. Sydney: LexisNexis Publications. Paterson, J. Robertson, A. what's more, Duke, A. (2015) Principles of Contract Law. fifth edn. Sydney: Thomson Reuters

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Do the Right Thing Analysis Free Essays

Make the best choice, a film coordinated by Spike Lee, shot on a bright summer day in a dark neighborhood in Brooklyn is the thing that many think about an extraordinary film. The film depicts accounts of numerous on-screen characters comprising from various palettes, where every ha their own contentions and battles. It is an exceptionally engaging film yet it will leave you sincerely associated with the occasions that occurred. We will compose a custom article test on Make the best choice Analysis or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now It would not have arrived at its present achievement on the off chance that it wasn’t for the exceptional cinematography. In the coming areas I will discuss the shots, points, lighting styles, imagery and shading. Authenticity The authenticity of this film is truly clear, where Spike Lee was attempting to pass on the physical truth of the dark individuals who live in a socially assorted system. There were a few characters in the film and each had his own story, the progression of the, hopping from one character different gives the inclination that there is no control of the story, it’s the genuine article and this is the means by which things move in Brooklyn in a timetable of twenty-four hours. Another motivation behind why this film is connected to authenticity is a direct result of the ethical issues, where for instance there would be a delicate scene about a scene, that justifies itself with real evidence and it is deciphered by the crowd in their own particular manner. Make the best decision might be likewise be considered as an exemplary since there was an attention on recounting to an incredible story yet no that of one character yet many, and each had his/her own appeal. It is the sort of motion pictures where you would need to return again and again to watch it. Shots Spike Lee is known for his ideal shots where he utilizes distinctive focal point to give the film a distinctive look. The film shifted from long shots, medium, close up and extraordinary close up. That is appeared from the earliest starting point of the film where the lady was moving and it nearly incorporated the entirety of the shots referenced previously. All through the film the strategy of including different shots were continually being utilized and were applied to all the characters. Figure 1A Extreme close up Figure 1B Close up Figure 1C Medium shot ' Figure 1D Long shot Figure 2A Extreme close up Figure 2B close up Figure 2C Medium shot Figure 2D Long shot The figures appeared above are only two instances of numerous where various shots are being taken of the. In Figure 2a-2b we have a case of the camera making an extraordinary close up, getting back experiencing the nearby, medium shot to arrive at the since a long time ago shot, and afterward moving on a level plane to show the area. This strategy was utilized continually. I think the importance behind this strategy is to make the film as appear as practical as could be expected under the circumstances. Spike Lee concentrated on the primary characters separately and afterward pulls upheld to make a since a long time ago shot to show that character’s place in the area, which adds authenticity to the setting. Points. In Spike Lee’s Do the Right Thing, he set up his camera in various positions and took shots at various edges. A low edge is the point at which the subject is being shot from underneath. I accept that this point gives the subject prevalence and makes him look ground-breaking. Figure 3 Figure 3 is where Radio Raheem was requesting pizza with his sound system being played and Sal was reprimanding him to turn it. Raheem looked threatened so the low point shot adds to the terrorizing. As I would like to think this was immaculate since Radio Raheem was a character that everybody is apprehensive off and intimidating should he looks as much as possible. I likewise imagine that it added a little zest as far as possible, in light of the fact that these consistent shots of Raheem give a greater effect on the crowd when he kicks the bucket. In as opposed to low point shots, high edges are taken from above. The camera is put over the subject looking down. This kind of shot is to cause the subjects to seem unimportant and it gives a general diagram of the scene Figure 4 Mother Sister Trauma. High point see. The scene in Figure 4 is not long before the finish of the film where Sal’s café was torched on the grounds that he was accused for Radio Raheem’s passing. These episodes gave Mother Sister an injury. I would not say that the high edge shot makes her irrelevant, yet it would prefer to make her look undermined by the general diagram scene, that the high point shot accomplishes. The viciousness closes with this scene, which in my perspective is a sensational one. Mother Sister is the adorable individual, everybody gazes upward excessively her yet she was shouting like a crazy person, at that point the high edge shot of all the annihilation around gives an emotional closure of that scene. There were many eye level shots taken in the film. An Eye level shot is the point at which the subject is being recorded close to eye level. What I think Spike Lee was attempting to do with these eye level shots if to place the crowd in a similar balance of the characters. The fowl eye see is the shot taken overhead. It makes individuals in the scene look little. Figure 5 Bird eye shot, last scene. A case of a fowl eye shot is appeared in Figure 5, the last scene. This scene is one of the most significant of the film. The film pictures a 24 hour course of events, so all the occurrence s that occurred, from awakening to consuming Sal’s kitchen occurred in one day, which as I would like to think is a great deal of action in an area. This last scene that causes the area to give off an impression of being god like is stunning, after all the viciousness that separated, it appears as though nothing occurred. Individuals are playing b-ball; DJ love daddy is discussing another subject disregarding what happened the previous evening. Consistently is another page for this individuals. Diagonal shots will be shots taken at an inclined edge. Straight lines become diagonals which gives a shot a mind-boggling feeling in a precarious world. Figure 6A Oblique shot, Mayor Figure 6B Oblique shot, MotheSister The discussions between the Mayor and Mother Sister where taking at a slanted point. I think the explanation for this is to feature the unsteady an uneven connection between them. Lighting styles The film occurred on a sweltering day in summer, since it is a tale about a film around one day, lighting is going to change from splendid toward the beginning of the day, more brilliant toward the evening, less more splendid at dusk, night which is dim lastly the following morning. There was a great deal of accentuation on how it was extremely hot, so it is significant that the brilliance to stick out. Spike Lee sort of gave us how hot it is. There was where could see the warmth waves encompassing the tree elderly people men on the walkway. The lighting in the mob scene at long last was extraordinary, it was reasonable and it caught the crowd inwardly, particularly the individuals who have recollections of such mobs. Imagery I accept that there was a great deal of imagery in the film; in certainty each character represented something, of the battle in a dark neighborhood. For instance, Sal and the Korean represent the incongruity of them taking more cash from the dark network more than the organizations of the blacks themselves, and they don't live in the area. The slow-witted fellow and the photos of Marter L. Lord and Malcom X are associated, where there is a twofold despondency, first is on the person himself, I think individuals felt frustrated about him, and the subsequent anguish was the token of Malcom X and Martin dying, both these variables presumably influenced the crowd inwardly. Buggin’out needs African Americans on the divider in Sal’s café; Radio Raheem is launching battle the force tune. There are numerous others images in this film and the nature, area and story it requires these imageries, that adds al little flavor to film and influences the crowd inwardly. Shading Like the lighting the shading causes us partner to the climate. Various tones going from orange, red, and yellow were utilized. These hues can likewise be deciphered in the characters feelings. The primary shading was red to underscore that it is hot. He utilizes different hues in more settled spot, for example, in Mookie’s girlfriend’s room, which was blue. I accept that Spike Lee sister a great job in messing with hues Conclusion Do the proper thing is a film that gets you to think. You receive snickers in return some others cry. The strategies utilized in the motion pictures are the motivation behind why it is viewed as an effective film. The manner in which he depicted the dark network battling from the various scenes and characters will leave an effect on whoever watches the film. Step by step instructions to refer to Do the Right Thing Analysis, Papers

Classic Management

A portion of these are recorded beneath: posing inquiries about content or case material 0 creation perception about content or case material 0 creation wise remarks or posing testing inquiries during instructional exercises or at suitable time during case introductions; and 0 relating appointed material to different territories of study or recent developments in the pacific locale. 8. 0 All participation will be taken in instructional exercise classes. The participation and support will be surveyed from week 3-14. College's instructional exercise participation arrangement of is applied.Students must accomplish in any event at least 60 percent instructional exercise participation to pass this course. Inability to meet this prerequisite meaner bombing the course. 9. 0 Marking Criteria for Case Study Presentation Criteria Visual Aid (projector, outlines and so on) Presentation (talking style, lucidity, eye to eye connection, certainty, timing) Understanding, Familiarity with Content ; Analysis Question/Discussion/Linking Total Marks Allocated (in %) 1 % Please note: introductions will be evaluated as a gathering in general; not singular ash introductions. Whatever imprint is given is bunch based so everybody in the gathering gets the equivalent mark.Time Limit Breakdown: Presentation time for all the gathering individuals 15 minutes Question/Discussion time-5 minutes Tutor's comments †5 minutes AMIGO Tutorial diagram Semester 2 2013 3 Table 1: Tutorial Case Study/Class conversation exercises Introductory meeting: 0 accentuating on the significant issues brought up in the course layout 0 Students to choose their instructional exercise gathering (3 or 4 individuals in a gathering) conversation on the most proficient method to dissect contextual investigations to get ready understudies for introduction 0 The appraisal standards for contextual analysis introduction Discussion Questions: 1 .Discuss the significant improvements that portray current worldwide econo my and the difficulties these force on the associations and mechanical segments. 2. Examine a portion of the association changes that set the setting for the investigation of the board today Date ****III contextual analyses are from the suggested textbook**** Chapter Tutorial contextual analysis/Discussion question 1 4 12-16 August Chapters 2&3 5 19-23 August Chapter 4 6 26-30 August - rest 1 : Day: Friday Date: 30 Gag 2013 Time: 9. 00-9. 50 a. M. Room: 014-025 coverage:Chapter 1-4 and 6 Format: Section A: Multiple decision Section B: True/False Section C: Short to passage long inquiries Total % mark: 10% of the all out course work. Part 6 Discussion Questions: 1 . Clarify the significant components of an association's general condition 2. What components in the particular condition should association focus on so as to support upper hand Chapter 3: 1 . Clarify in detail the three conditions for administrative dynamic and critical thinking 2.People presentation three distinct met hodologies or ‘styles' in the manner they manage issue circumstances. Contextual analysis: â€Å"Informing Panasonic† up 82-84 of the course book Discussion Questions: 1 . What key thoughts did old style draws near, social (or human asset) approaches, and quantitative methodologies add to the executives thinking? Contextual analysis: â€Å"Management practically speaking at Bee Change Hang (BCC)† up 105-106 Discussion Questions: 1 . Recognize the elective perspectives on Athenian conduct and quickly portray the primary accentuation of each view 2.Explain the ideas of social relativism and universalism. What suggestions do these ideas have for worldwide business tasks? 3. What is a moral difficulty? Portray a portion of the potential wellsprings of moral problems. Contextual investigation: â€Å"Astray †the ‘Enron' of India† 7 2-6 September Chapter association? 2. In what manner would participation be able to be utilized in association? 3. What o bstruction may it possibly make and how might you manage this? Given that controls are fundamental to any associations operational achievement, clarify the means engaged with the control process.Case study: â€Å"Tallest makes an inappropriate call† up 183-184 OR â€Å"The carrier industry-endeavoring to control turbulence† up 204-206 4. 9-13 September 8 16-20 September MID SEMESTER BREAK Chapter 9 Discussion Questions: 1 . What is SOOT examination? Talk about the sorts of issues and questions that ought to be managed when directing a SOOT investigation 2. Examine the upsides of playing out a SOOT investigation 3. Look into changed procedures for: (a) development and expansion; and (b) conservation 4.Explain the essential factors contained in Porter's nonexclusive systems model and the BCC lattice Case study: â€Å"Managing technique and culture at Boost Juice Bars† up 238-239 Discussion Questions: 1 . What is the motivation behind hierarchical structure? 2. Tal k about the distinction between bureaucratic plans and versatile structures Case study: â€Å"Leno-hanging structure to follow system' up 298-299 9 23-27 September Group Assignment: Due: Friday 27 September at 4. 00 p. M. All gathering task must be transferred on model. Part 1 10 30 Swept †4 October - rest 2: Day: Friday Date: 4 October 2013 Time: 9. 0 †9. 50 a. M. Setting: Room 014-025 Coverage: Chapter 7-9, and 11 Format: Section A: Multiple decision Section B: True/False Section C: Short to passage long inquiries Total % mark: 10% of the complete course work. 7-11 October Discussion Questions: 1 . What is human asset the executives and what job does it plays in associations? 2. What steps should a chief take in helping another worker fit into the workplace such that facilitates his/her turn of events and execution potential? 3. What choices would you, as a chief, have in keeping up a certified workforce?Comment quickly on the alternatives examined in the content. Conte xtual analysis: NO Case study 11 Chapter 13 12 14-18 October Chapter 14 Discussion Questions 1 . Clarify the wellsprings of position force and individual force utilized by directors to impact the conduct of others Explain the wellsprings of position force and 2. What is administration style? Clarify how worry for errand and worry for individuals are identified with authority style. 3. Talk about the Fiddler, Hershey and Blanchard, House, and Broom-Ago possibility models of administration. What direction does every possibility model accommodate leaders?Case study: â€Å"Leadership at ISM† up 361-362 Discussion Question: 1 . Quickly portray Mason's chain of command of necessities hypothesis, Alder's ERG hypothesis, Herrings tobacco hypothesis, and Miscellany's procured needs hypothesis. 2. Talk about objective setting hypothesis and how it identifies with overseeing for inspiration. 13 21-25 October Chapter 15 and 16 14 Chapter 17 Describe the key ideas in the hope hypothesis o f inspiration. How do these ideas clarify the degree of inspiration that an individual may show at work? Case obligation: â€Å"Google: probably the best spot to work† pappy-390 Discussion Questions 1 .Using the commitments and instigations that are alluded to in the mental agreement between the individual and association, clarify the idea of the relationship that you have had with an association for which you currently work or have worked before. 2. Clarify the job that Job configuration plays in laborer fulfillment and execution. Section 16: 3. How do groups add to associations? 4. Quickly portray the phases of gathering/group advancement. Think about a gathering or group in which you have held or right now hold enrollment. Clarify how he phases of gathering/group improvement can be applied to this model gathering or group.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Brazil :: essays research papers fc

The similitudes between the social orders found in Brazil and those found in the Andean Highlands are moderately not many. The Andean Highland tenants were for the most part Incas, found in most prominent numbers in Peru. The occupants of Brazil were for the most part thought around the Amazon River Basin territory. The Andean Highland individuals comprised in enormous piece of the Inca human progress (the name of the decision family, not an ethnicity). Notwithstanding, the geographic area of these social orders isn't the main uniqueness that exist between these gatherings of individuals. Maybe the most striking of the contrasts is the qualities of these social orders and the headways, or absence of, that where accomplished in each. With each gathering having unmistakable attributes in the lifestyle, government, and work, this influenced the colonizing bunches in essentially various ways and eventually lead to the flourishing or decay of the state at that particular time. The types of rule in the Amazon Basin and the Andean Highlands were of extraordinary differentiation. At the hour of European disclosure of the New World, there existed next to no political chain of importance in the zones of the Amazon River Basin. Probably, and this was genuinely remarkable, there was a nearby innate boss. Be that as it may, the government didn't broaden any further. There was no system of higher decision. This may have originated from the certainty that towns were spread around the Amazon, isolated by thick backwoods. The innate boss would make some town choices and be a contact with other nearby towns. All things considered, regional war was a significant part of the Amazon Basin tenants' lives. This is in sharp difference to the political framework that existed in the Inca development. The Inca had a significantly unpredictable political framework that depended on rule that was acquired through blood lines. There were nearby, territorial, and realm administering pioneers. These legislators requested tribute from the lower classes and furthermore power work upon them, yet they provided administrations for the great of the individuals and the realm. The initiatives had generally not many physical obligations other than directing the space that he dominated. Regional war was additionally a trait of the Inca society. This general public has regularly been named either a communist realm or a government assistance state. In particular, the individuals of the Amazon Basin lived in little towns around the Amazon Waterway and moved regularly (when the dirt got decrepit). They were an innate society kept up itself through moving horticulture and chasing and assembling. The staple of their eating routine was of the tuber assortment, a sort of potato. The general public had no classes that separated between the rich and poor since the individuals had next to no or no private property.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Summer Reading Part 10 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

Summer Reading â€" Part 10 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Here are a few more options for summer reading and finding out more about what is going on regarding student life at SIPA. Daniel Green 2009 Alumnus Blog:   http://thenegotiationblog.com/ Blogging about all kinds of negotiation to stay current and up to date. Twitter: @dgreentweets SIPASA is the student government at SIPA.   It is possible to follow all things related to SIPASA via Facebook or Twitter . . . http://www.facebook.com/sipasa Twitter:   @sipasa . . . and if you wish to view the student government and student group site at SIPA please click here.   There are 40 different groups at SIPA involved in quite an array of activities.

Monday, June 29, 2020

The Significance of the Green Girdle - Literature Essay Samples

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is the epitome of the Romantic genre in the Middle Ages, one that features both chivalry and courtly love and emphasizes that a knight’s most important duty is to serve God. While most chivalric tales focus on the physical strength and the impressive battles fought by fearless knights, this tale focuses on the strength of a knight’s faith. Sir Gawain’s faith is tested by the beautiful Lady Bertilak, who offers him her green girdle. The silk belt is the perfect utility to tie the two elements of chivalry and courtly love together. Throughout the poem, the Pearl poet shifts the nature of the girdle and how it is perceived by Gawain. The girdle seems like an insignificant, inanimate piece of cloth. However, because Gawain invests all of his faith in it, the girdle’s function, value, and overall connotation become progressively more significant. The presentation of the girdle by Lady Bertilak first tests Gawain’s faith. T he Lady first offers Gawain a â€Å"rich ring, wrought all of gold†¦worth a king’s wealth, you may well believe† (ll.1817-20), which makes her second gift – the girdle – seem all the more mundane. When Gawain refuses the gift, the Lady questions his choice: â€Å"‘Because it seems in your sight so simple a thing?’† (l.1846). The Lady hints that perhaps Gawain’s senses are not sharp enough to realize the value of such an object, which intrigues Gawain. Still, he argues that â€Å"‘Before God, good lady, I forego all gifts’† (l.1822), for earlier in the day he and Lord Bertilak had agreed that anything that either man gains during the course of the day is to be given to the other. Until this point Gawain had held to his personal oath, rejecting both Lady Bertilak’s seduction and her offer of the ring. But once the lady reveals to him the girdle’s powers, he accepts it – and conceals it even though, under terms of the pact with Lord Bertilak, it rightfully belongs to the lord. He gives the lord the three kisses he had received earlier as gifts and then lies to him, saying that â€Å"all that I owe here is openly paid† (l.1941). He sins by lying, placing the value of the girdle above his Christian virtues. The girdle also challenges Gawain’s commitment to serve God by becoming a more powerful symbol of faith than any Christian symbol. The girdle, a simple garment worn by women, ordinarily would have no relevance to a knight. Lady Bertilak explains to Gawain that by carrying this girdle, however, â€Å"There is no hand under heaven that could hew him down/ For he could not be killed by any craft on earth† (ll.1852-54). The emphasis on â€Å"under heaven† and â€Å"on earth† gives the girdle an unearthly, supernatural quality. Whereas earlier in the poem Gawain turns to Christianity for guidance – praying, for example, †Å"that Mary may be his guide† (l.738) – he now holds the girdle to be â€Å"a pearl for his plight† (l.1856). His trust in the girdle replaces his trust in God to save him from the Green Knight, transforming the girdle from a simple silk belt to a supernatural protector. This development is most significant because Gawain’s knightly duty is to serve God, but he has now placed his faith in a simple object.Gawain’s acceptance and faith in the green girdle deeply challenge his reputation of virtuousness. Gawain prominently displayed his pentangle, a religious symbol that represents the five virtues, on his shield â€Å"in purest gold† (l.620). He was esteemed to be â€Å"faultless in his five senses† and his great fidelity was â€Å"fixed upon the five wounds/ That Christ got on the cross† (ll.642-43). The knight also claimed the attributes of being a â€Å"most courteous knight† (l.639) and of a â€Å"pure mind† (l.6 53). Giving into Lady Bertilak’s temptation and lying to Lord Bertilak corrupt Gawain’s seemingly perfect chivalry. They show that Gawain is not without fault. First, he is tricked by the girdle’s false promises of the girdle and distracted by its magical powers. Second, he appears greedy and selfish, wanting to possess a valuable object only to save his own life. Third, Gawain is unfaithful to both Lord Bertilak and God, accepting the Lord’s loyalty in their game of exchange but failing to return this loyalty. Finally Gawain lacks the faith to face the Green Knight alone; instead, he puts his faith in an earthly object. Gawain recognizes his downfall and begins to repent immediately after he conceals it from Lord Bertilak. Straight â€Å"to the chapel he goes† (l.1876) after the temptress leaves â€Å"to cleanse his soul† (l.1882). He chastises himself: â€Å"‘Accursed be a cowardly and covetous heart! In you is villainy and vice, an d virtue laid low!† (ll.2374-75). By the end of the poem, the experience of the girdle helps Gawain to recognize his faults and leads him to become an even more virtuous knight. He says, â€Å"‘I hold you polished as a pearl, as pure and as bright/ As you had lived free of fault since first you were born† (ll.2393-94). Because Gawain fully confesses to the Green Knight, he is completely absolved of his sins. The sin of the girdle humbles Gawain’s pride as well as King Arthur’s court but ultimately becomes an important reminder of the importance of humility and virtue. The green belt becomes a â€Å"badge of false faith† (l.2509) that serves as a constant reminder of the â€Å"cowardice and coveting† (l.2508) that Gawain came to find on his plight. Without this experience, Gawain and his court would never have realized their faults in character because their virtues would never have been tested. In the end, the green girdle becomes a sym bol of virtuousness worn by the entire court.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Racism and the Narrative of the life of Frederick...

Examining Prevalent Attitudes on Racism and the Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave When we look at the issue of racism from a politically correct, nineties perspective, evidence of the oppression of black people may be obscured by the ways in which our society deals with the inequalities that still exist. There are no apparent laws that prohibit or limit opportunities for blacks in our society today, yet there is a sense that all things are not fair and equal. How can we acknowledge or just simply note how past ideologies are still perpetuated in our society today? We can examine conditions of the present day in consideration of events in the past, and draw correlations between old and modern modes of†¦show more content†¦Douglass had the unusual privilege of receiving the beginnings of an education from the wife of one of his masters, Mrs. Auld. Her lessons were cut short when she was discovered by her husband who, forbade her. . . telling her it was unsafe to teach a slave to read . . . because he would at once become unmanageable, and of no value to his master. From this experience, Douglass learned that education was his pathway from slavery to freedom. In essence, the act of keeping the black man ignorant was the white mans power to enslave the black man(Douglass 1776). Africans were brought to America for one purpose; to serve as the work force that would complete the labor needed to develop the land for American profits. Slaves did not receive monetary compensation for their labor. In fact, slaves received in minimum the amount of food, clothes and shelter necessary to survive. Therefore, slaves were completely dependent upon their masters. If a slave did happen to escape from his plantation, he was subjected to survival in the wild, with the constant fear of being captured by bounty hunters. While working for Mr. Gardner in his shipyard, Douglass witnessed the attitudes of whites who refused to work with the freemen blacks. The white carpenters thought that if free colored carpenters were encouraged, they would take the trade into their own hands, and poor white men would be thrown out ofShow MoreRelatedNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Essay1102 Words   |  5 PagesDate Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Writing in the favor of black people has always remained controversial from the very beginning. Critics regard such writing as â€Å"a highly conventionalized genre† indicating that â€Å"its status as literature was long disputed but the literary merits of its most famous example such as Frederick Douglass s Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass†¦are widely recognized today.† (Ryan:537) Despite of such severe resistance, writers like Douglass have pennedRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Analysis1198 Words   |  5 PagesCovey was the turning-point in my career as a slave. It rekindled the few expiring embers of freedom, and revived within me a sense of my own manhood. It recalled the departed self-confidence, and inspired me again with a determination to be free.† (Douglass 43). The event that transpired in this quote is of most significant because without it Frederick Douglass wouldn’t have had the motivation to be free. N arrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass outlines the horrors of slavery. 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In social reformer and writer Frederick Douglass’ Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass an American Slave he writes of rebelling against his physically abusive owners and triumphantly gaining freedom. In writer Harriet Ann Jacobs narrative Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Jacobs writes of rebelling against her sexually abusiveRead MoreFrederick Douglass Essay559 Words   |  3 PagesFrederick Douglass Born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey on Marylands Eastern Shore in 1818, he was the son of a slave woman and, her white master. Upon his escape from slavery at age 20, he adopted the name of the hero of Sir Walter Scotts The Lady of the Lake. Douglass immortalized his years as a slave in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave (1845). This and two other autobiographies, My Bondage and My Freedom (1855) and The Life and Times of Frederick DouglassRead MoreThe Lion That Wrote History: Frederick Douglas908 Words   |  4 PagesThe Lion that Wrote History Rising from slavery, Frederick Douglass became a human rights activist speaking against the inequalities facing African Americans, paving the road towards civil rights and equality. He faced the evils of slavery and used his ability to write and speak articulately to move the abolition movement forward. Douglass was proof of the potential of African American. Slavery created an economic foundation for America that caused many repercussions due to the methods used to instillRead MoreThe Intelligent Civil Rights Activist By Frederick Douglass1084 Words   |  5 Pagesactivist Frederick Douglass was born into slavery in Maryland on February 1818. His born given name, Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, seemed to be a fairytale name to an unusual life because his father was a white planation owner who was most likely Douglass s first slave master, named Captain Anthony. Possibly it was Harriet Bailey who gave her son Frederick such a distinguished name wishing that his life would be s uperior than hers. His mother couldn’t imagine that her son s life would continue

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Lesson by Toni Cade Bambara Essay - 1319 Words

Toni Cade Bambara addresses how knowledge is the means by which one can escape out of poverty in her story The Lesson. In her story she identifies with race, economic inequality, and literary epiphany during the early 1970’s. In this story children of African American progeny come face to face with their own poverty and reality. This realism of society’s social standard was made known to them on a sunny afternoon field trip to a toy store on Fifth Avenue. Through the use of an African American protagonist Miss Moore and antagonist Sylvia who later becomes the sub protagonist and White society the antagonist â€Å"the lesson† was ironically taught. Sylvia belong to a lower economic class, which affects her views of herself within highlights the†¦show more content†¦Also, the people who have influence on color people, that they are not qualify for higher education and good salary. As Martin Luther King Jr. said â€Å"Make a career of humanity. Commit your self to the noble struggle for equal rights. You will make a better person of yourself, a greater nation of your country, and a finer world to live in† ( ). Sylvia struggle in the communities makes her to be better person with the understand classism and the race. Also, makes her to fight for what she deserve. Also, to have high income and equal right she have to have higher education. Then she might will be able to change the view of classism and race in the communities. The economic issues in American society have major effect on young on young children basic needs. Young children do not understand the economic issues their families facing in today’s society. In the short story â€Å"The Lesson† the author addresses the reader regarding social and economic inequality in America. In America lower family are suffering the most because of their monthly income and cannot afford things their children’s wants. Therefore, lower family cannot afford the expens ive materials for their children because they have to think about their daily life styles. Also these lower families had difficult times affording clothing, food, house rents and other essentials. According to the article, â€Å"Children are especially vulnerable economicallyShow MoreRelatedThe Lesson By Toni Cade Bambara992 Words   |  4 PagesThe Lesson: Summary/Response In the story The Lesson, author Toni Cade Bambara shows us a view of life from a black girl who lives in a poverty-stricken community just outside of New York City. In the story, there is a teacher whom takes the responsibility of teaching Sylvia and her friend group important lessons not only for a better education but to better understand life in its entirety. I believe the story is used as a tool to teach others about the lack of education in our nation in the seventiesRead MoreThe Lesson By Toni Cade Bambara1552 Words   |  7 PagesThroughout the years knowledge and culture has been passed down within generations. Elders within the community often teach life lessons to the young adults growing up in the neighborhood. This idea still holds true today, especially in low-income communities. People from different socioeconomic backgrounds live different lifestyles they also have different opportunities made available to them. Because of this idea, people with a higher social stand ing have an advantage over those in lower classRead Morethe Lesson by Toni Cade Bambara1428 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"The Lesson† From The Mentor Whenever there is a civil rights movement going on, there are always 3 parties involved. One the Oppressor, second the Oppressed and lastly the Activist or the Mentor. The Activists usually always emerges from the Oppressed. That is when the Oppressed intellectuals feel that it’s time to standup to defend the identity of their people and make them strong enough to make a name of their own. This is what happened during the early 20th century within the African AmericanRead MoreThe Lesson By Toni Cade Bambara968 Words   |  4 PagesThere is a lesson in every situation no matter if you choose to accept it or not. A lesson can sometime guide you in the right path that is needed in your life or maybe it can just be for a certain situation. In the short story â€Å"The Lesson† by Toni Cade Bambara, she relates teaching a life changing lesson to the character Sylvia. Sylvia is a very strong willed young lady who is challenged with poverty in her neighborhood. The story begins with Miss Moore, an educated black woman who moves in theRead MoreThe Lesson By Toni Cade Bambara1429 Words   |  6 PagesUpon reading The Lesson, by Toni Cade Bambara, the reader cannot help but feel empathy towards the narrator Sylvia and her friends, as they are introduced to the realization of unfairness distribution of wealth in society, the diverse democracy. The lesson is taught by a lady named, Miss Moore, who moves into Sylvia’s neighborhood block. Miss Moore is a college educated women who shows the reality of the economic inequality to Sylvia and her friends by taking them on a field trip to a fancy toy storeRead MoreThe Lesson By Toni Cade Bambara850 Words   |  4 Pagesideas into the readers’ minds. Readers often begin reading a work with a biased opinion of the contents of the story. The superficial theme of a story is obvious, but the less obvious theme can have the most powerful message. In Toni Cade Bambara’s short story, â€Å"The Lesson,† the apparent t heme is poverty and wealth, but the true theme is the misapprehension of everything not being as it seems. The first physical description of Miss Moore gives the reader the impression that she is a woman of littleRead MoreThe Lesson by Toni Cade Bambara638 Words   |  3 Pagesthe hardest because the kids just want to play, goof around and don’t listen. Elementary teachers have hard time teaching young uneducated students just like Miss Moore with her uneducated children from the neighborhood, in the story â€Å"The Lesson† by Toni Cade Bambara. Miss Moore teaches the students how to take the first step toward a better education just like elementary teachers, her teaching method were to show how the upper class lived in comparison to the children but she could have though themRead MoreThe Lesson, By Toni Cade Bambara881 Words   |  4 Pagesthe story ‘The Lesson’, Sylvia and her friends’ receives a chance to take a look at the upper side of town and compare how the two communities differ from each other. The author uses social conflict to explain the r acial and social divide between the white and black community. In the story, the reader sees how social classes effect how adults and even children see the world. The author, Toni Cade Bambara, compares how blacks and whites live these times. In the story, â€Å"The Lesson†, a woman by theRead MoreThe Lesson By Toni Cade Bambara1346 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"The Lesson† by Toni Cade Bambara is not just about a sassy, defiant, ungrateful poor girl that is out of place in an overpriced expensive toy store. â€Å"The Lesson† is a short story about a young black girl who is struggling with her increasing awareness of class inequality. When Sylvia’s new neighbor, Miss. Moore, a smart college educated woman introduces the reality of social inequality to Sylvia and her group of friends, they become cynical. Sylvia has always known in the back of her mind that sheRead MoreThe Lesson by Toni Cade Bambara1830 Words   |  8 PagesThe Lesson by Toni Cade Bambara is a short story set in the inner part of New York City that gives the reader an opportunity to briefly see into the lives of children living devoid of wealth and education. It takes place in the early seventies, following the civil rights move ment and during a time when the imbalance of wealth in terms of race was immense. Bamabara, through the use of narrative point of tone, symbols, setting and characterization, brings out and develops what I believe to be the

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Basketball Tournament Brochure - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 284 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2018/12/27 Category Sports Essay Type Descriptive essay Level High school Tags: Learning Essay Did you like this example? Basketball is a game loved by many teenagers especially those who are still in school. German town academy most students cherish basketball compared to any other game. Games are used for uniting people together in the society, most Non-Governmental Organizations when soliciting for money to support unlucky kids like ones suffering from cancer, they use basketball game in our school to bring people together. Its shattering to almost all parents who learn that their kids have medical complication, since the cost of treatment is very high and the chances of survival are very minimal. This why most NGOs and other support teams chip in to help in collection of enough cash for the treatment. This is achieved through games in Germany town academy. basketball is a scintillating game at our school and most student covet displaying splendid performance so as to earn public recognition. The adorable game earns its honor when nearly all students wear basketball jerseys. The fight of every team to win and every individual to display fantastic performance is what unites everyone and mostly the cancer kids, they get hope in life, since games reduces stress and pain in life. The unison cheering and support by everyone helps to forget some hurdles in life and precisely the fatal disease. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Basketball Tournament Brochure" essay for you Create order In conclusion, many organization uses different means of uniting people for the sole purpose of supporting each other in our school, basketball is used as a tool in our school of cherishing and helping affected victims of cancer through sports. References Playing basketball has some benefits in addition to being fun, it offers effective body exercise, it help students learn a variety of skills, students also learn through playing basketball and sundry.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of Mario Garcia s Rationalizing Malibu

Mira Latif Professor Mario Garcia English M01B 22 April 2016 Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theories as Applied to Mario Garcia’s â€Å"Rationalizing Malibu† Abstract In Mario Garcia’s â€Å"Rationalizing Malibu†, readers traverse a terrain that is often unseen—one that involves both the beautiful and ugly sides of Malibu. In this paper, the thoughts of the narrator are dissected using Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic concepts of id, ego, and superego—superseding ambiguity with clarity. The reader is not immediately aware of the fact that Blaine does not actually exist, but rather, discovers it at the end of the story. One element that is reoccurring and ever-present in the narrator’s life is the loss of women. He loses his mother, grandmother, and a woman he was dating. The narrator uses repression, projection, rationalization, and denial to dull the pain of his past and reinvent himself. By using Freud’s Psychoanalytic theory and concepts of projection, rationalization, denial, and repression the reader is made to see the ugly truth behind a seemingly perfect picture. I. Introduction Mario Garcia’s â€Å"Rationalizing Malibu† illustrates the life of a troubled man who spirals out of control after experiencing a series of hardships. His problems begin with his bleak childhood that is riddled with physical violence at the hands of his abusive father. The reader is made to believe that these problems are happening to Blaine, an alter ego the narrator has subconsciously created, when the

Snickers Chocolate’s Global Share Free Essays

Global Candy Sales | | |Market Share |$ Sales in Millions | |Brand |Company |2011 |2012 |2011 |2012* | |Snickers |Mars Inc |1. 7 |1. 8 |$3,286 |$3,572 | |MM’s |Mars Inc |1. We will write a custom essay sample on Snickers Chocolate’s Global Share or any similar topic only for you Order Now 8 |1. |$3,380 |$3,494 | |Trident |Kraft Foods Inc |1. 8 |1. 7 |$3,354 |$3,321 | |Reese’s |Hershey Co, The |1. 3 |1. 4 |$2,553 |$2,679 | |Galaxy/Dove |Mars Inc |1. 3 |1. 3 |$2,407 |$2,597 | |Milka |Kraft Foods Inc |1. 3 |1. |$2,530 |$2,510 | |Cadbury Dairy Milk |Kraft Foods Inc |1. 3 |1. 3 |$2,414 |$2,506 | |Orbit |Mars Inc |1. 3 |1. 3 |$2,441 |$2,501 | |Extra |Mars Inc |1. 1 |1. 2 |$2,115 |$2,231 | |Kit Kat |Nestle SA |1. 0 |1. |$1,933 |$1,979 | |Mentos |Perfetti Van Melle Group |0. 9 |0. 9 |$1,649 |$1,711 | U. S. Candy Sales | | |Market Share |$ Sales in Millions | |Brand |Company |2011 |2012 |2011 |2012* | |Reese’s |Hershey Co, The |7. |7. 7 |$2,479 |$2,603 | |M’s |Mars Inc |6. 8 |6. 8 |$2,238 |$2,300 | |Snickers |Mars Inc |5. 5 |6. 0 |$1,815 |$2,020 | |Kit Kat |Hershey Co, The |2. 8 |2. 8 |$917 |$948 | |Twizzlers |Hershey Co, The |2. 3 |2. |$746 |$801 | |Trident |Kraft Foods Inc |2. 2 |2. 0 |$732 |$674 | |Twix |Mars Inc |1. 8 |1. 9 |$598 |$655 | |Extra |Mars Inc |1. 8 |1. 8 |$598 |$610 | |Orbit |Mars Inc |1. 7 |1. |$561 |$549 | |Milky Way |Mars Inc |1. 6 |1. 6 |$516 |$539 | |Galaxy/Dove |Mars Inc |1. 6 |1. 5 |$523 |$504 | |Starburst |Mars Inc |1. 3 |1. 4 |$433 |$467 | |Godiva |Yildiz Holding AS |1. 1 |1. |$373 |$391 | |*2012 figures are projections. Source: Euromonitor Internationa | | | | | |Snickers Surging to Top of Global Candy Race | |Mars-Owned Candy Bar Set to Pass Sibling MM’s, Kraft’s Trident in New Euromonitor Ranking | |By: E. J. Schultz Published: September 20, 2012 | |208share this page | |[pic][pic][pic][pic] | |There is a new candy kingpin. | |Snickers will pass MM’s as the top international confectionery brand by the end of the year, giving the 82-year-old candy bar a satisfying | |victory in the global chocolate wars, according to a projection by Euromonitor International. |Snickers is â€Å"definitely on target to surpass MM’s,† Lee Linthicum, Euromonitor’s global head of food research, told Ad Age. He cited U. S. | |innovations and strong growth in emerging markets as factors in moving the candy bar from No. 3 to No. 1, also surpassing Trident. Going | |forward, the race for the top is now a sibling rivalry because Mars Inc. owns Snickers and MM’s, which are separated by a razor-thin | |margin. | |While a win for Mars, the rankings are a loss for Kraft Foods’ Trident. The gum brand fell from second to third place as projected 2012 | |worldwide sales slipp ed to $3. 2 billion from $3. 35 billion in 2011. Kraft remains the global leader with 14. 7% share when all confectionery| |brands are totaled. But the food giant’s share of the category fell from 14. 8% in 2011, while No. 2 Mars jumped to 14. 4% from 14. 1%, | |according to Euromonitor. | |The shift at the top was first reported by Candy Snack Today, a publication by the National Confectioners Association. | |Among individual brands, the worldwide candy battle remains close and fragmented, with only a fraction of a share point separating the top | |10. |Snickers is expected to surge from $3. 29 billion in global sales last year to $3. 57 billion for 2012, capturing a 1. 8% share, according to | |Euromonitor projections. The brand, whose ad agency is BBDO, has been backed with major media investments in recent years, including Super | |Bowl spots featuring Betty White and Roseanne Barr, who have both stared in the ongoing â€Å"You’re Not You When You’re Hungr y† campaign. | |But M’s — which Mars featured in this year’s Super Bowl spot– is not far behind, growing from $3. 38 billion to $3. 9 billion in global | |sales, according to Euromonitor projections. | |Mr. Linthicum attributed Snickers’ climb to its strong performance in the U. S. , which accounts for a huge share of the global candy market. | |Domestically, the candy bar has aggressively pushed a line extension called Snickers Peanut Butter Squared, which launched last year and | |features two square-shape bars that adds peanut butter to the familiar mix of peanuts, caramel, nougat and milk chocolate. | |Globally, the brand is benefiting from strong growth in Eastern Europe. In Russia, sales have doubled since 2007 to $300 million, partly as | |a result of distribution gains Mars has made by acquiring some ex-Soviet chocolate companies, he said. While that should also help M’s, | |the bite-size candies face more competition in the region, where smaller candies are more established and familiar, Mr. Linthicum said. By | |contrast, candy bars like Snickers are more of a novelty, he said. | |In the U. S. , Hershey Co. ‘s Reese’s is expected to remain the top brand, with a projected $2. 6 billion in sales capturing 7. % market share | |for 2012, according to Euromonitor, which uses a variety of sources to track all sales channels, from Walmart to vending machines. MM’s, | |which is also handled by BBDO, is projected to hold onto the No. 2 slot stateside with 6. 8% share, followed by Snicker’s (6%) and Hershey’s | |Kit Kat (2. 8%). | |Still, Reese’s remains stuck in fourth place globally with 1. 4% share, accord ing to Euromonitor projections. The reasons are twofold: | |Hershey has less of a global footprint than Mars, Mr. Linthicum said. Also, peanut butter is not as popular in Europe as it is in the | |States. It is a â€Å"very uniquely American thing,† he said. â€Å"That sweet-savory juxtaposition of flavors is something of an acquired taste. † | |Mr. Linthicum pinned Trident’s struggles on stiff competition from Wrigley 5, the Mars-owned brand that launched in the states in 2007 with | |slick packaging, innovative flavors and a highly produced ad campaign by Energy BBDO called â€Å"Stimulate Your Senses. † | |The flashy appeal has resonated globally. â€Å"It’s even gaining share in Greece of all places,† Mr. Linthicum said. â€Å"Everywhere they release it| |around the world †¦ it’s worked. † In the U. S. , Wrigley 5 is now the 4th-largest gum brand with a 7. 43% share, according to SymphonyIRI, | |which excludes Walmart. | |Kraft, which on Oct. 1 will split off its candy and snacking business into a company called Mondelez International, is fighting back with | |its first global ad campaign for Trident by Saatchi Saatchi that is more emotional than previous efforts, which had touted functional | |benefits such as oral health and vitamins. Meanwhile, in the States Kraft recently rolled out â€Å"ID Gum by Stride,† featuring artsy packaging | |and a gimmick-filled campaign by Droga5. | How to cite Snickers Chocolate’s Global Share, Essay examples

The Great Lakes Crisis free essay sample

An examination of this historic conflict between central African nations. This paper discusses the conflict between the Congo, Uganda and Rwanda and their tribes called the Hutus and the Tutsis. It provides a history of the current problem and examines the ethnic issues at the core of the conflict. Zimbabwes relation to the conflict is also discussed as well as the impact of this crisis on central Africas society and economy. The African region has always been a region at war with itself. Since the time when this region was under the colonial umbrella, to now when the influence is mainly indirect in the form of TNCs, Africa has been unable to find the answer to its internal problems. When the colonialists lost their direct influence in the region, it was expected that finally the time has come that Africas own leaders will stand up for their respective countrys rights but that did not materialize as one after the other, self serving leaders found their way to power. We will write a custom essay sample on The Great Lakes Crisis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Great Lakes Crisis is a saga in the epic that concerns the nations that were previously under the French sphere of influence.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Financial Information

Question: Write an essay on financial information. Answer: Introduction Accounting ethics is mainly making, disclosure, as well as presentation of the financial information ethically and morally so that users of the financial reports can obtain accurate data. The undertaken case study is on a construction company named Strong Built Construction Company, which has been slumped because of strict measures applied by the Government. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company is Bill Strong, who has significant contribution in the success of the company (Becker, 2006). The last 2 years the company performs equally and manages equal level of income. The board of member of the company has arisen question about the current approach to the executive remuneration and the reward of company share as compensation. Bill Strong has given the example of company agency theory approach in order to argue with the executive that with the compensation plan the employees of the company will get maximum advantages from the company that help to motivate the employees to g ive their best to the company(Foss and Stea, 2014). He clarified that the fundamental consideration requires applying within the accounting system for deciding the compensation of the executive. Main context Constituents of the remuneration package The remuneration package of the company is as follows: Basic Salary The basic salary of the employees is mainly a fixed salary, which the company decide as per the qualification, skill, and talent of the employees(Gold, Gronewold and Pott, n.d.). It usually cash payment and a well structured basic salary plan help in supporting as well as retaining the executive talent. Annual Bonus In order to encourage the employees for giving additional effort in their job the company can give additional reward for their achievement and accomplishment of the determined objectives. This helps the employees to be motivated and to achieve the predefined objectives. Long term incentives The long term incentives are basically changeable compensation that use to be given to the employees for motivating them for their long term performance of the employees and the company(Hermanson et al., 2011). The incentives are usually provided by common stock of the company. Other benefits The employers usually provide the benefits to the employees like insurance plan and pension plan from the company along with different types of savings plan. Divergence between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and relation between them The motivation is a factor that use to stimulate the desire as well as the energy to act or behave in a particular manner. The motivational factors can be internal as well as external which help in stimulating the wish to improve the tasks or job assigned to the individual as well as in achieving the desired goal . The motivation uses to come from the both conscious as well as unconscious aspects such as intensity of wish or requirement, incentive or else the value of reward for accomplishment of the goal and lastly the expectation of the individuals. These are factors or reason of the behavior of the individuals in a certain way. The employees are motivated by the both external as well as internal factors as well as it is vital to understand and recognize the factors in order to bring out the best performance from the employees(Ims, Pedersen and Zsolnai, 2013). The difference between the extrinsic factor as well as the intrinsic factors and their effect should be recognized so that employers or the management of the company can use them as per requirements. The extrinsic factors are mainly the external influences, which use to motivate the employees such as reward, commission, bonus like monetary benefits or else vacation, gift voucher, or any gift these are the rewards for the achievement of the employees help in improving the motivation of the employees (Jeffrey, 2007). The intrinsic motivation use to come from the inner soul of an individual. While a person intrinsically motivated he/she use to enjoy the work assigned to him/her, love to do the job, thus the urge of improving comes from internally. Besides this, the company provide different types learning and training sessions in order to improve the skill and talent of the employees, which help in stimulating the desires of improving personally as well as professionally, which improve the performance of the company. There are significant relationships between extrinsic as well as intrinsic motivation. The studies of the intrinsic as well as extrinsic motivation rely on the one dimensional model. There are negative relationships between the intrinsic as well as extrinsic motivation. The intrinsic motivation comes from internally and when the external motivation added the motivation use to increase(Pepper and Gore, 2014). Risk adverse employees and Risk seeking employees Risk seeking employees normally defines the term which assists in the increment of the more volatility and the uncertainty in the increment. Therefore it also enacts the increment of the exchange which assists in the creation of the anticipated higher return and therefore pursuing of the investment and the estimation of the investments are carried out for the appropriate accessing of the systems which are necessary for the enhancement of the investments and therefore created the conduct even more because of intelligence and therefore the risks are taken into consideration for the investment (Kimmel, Weygandt and Kieso, 2007). Therefore it also helps in the increment of the implied risks that are necessary for the growth of the interest which are helpful for the proper mitigation of the risk in the organization. Risk adverse employees are symbolic for the appropriate enhancement of the performance of the employees which assists in providing proper judgment to the employees. It also helps in creating the increment that assists in the improvement of the workforce in the public sectors and therefore it also provides assistance in the participation of the employees who are facing risks. This is responsible for the creation of altruistic motivation. Key assumptions of conventional agency theory with the influence on approaches to compensation The core focuses of conventional agency theory in on the motivational influence of the compensation on performance of the employees. The agency theory has brought the economic perspectives in order to decide the executive compensation and which the firm must apply. The agency theory interlinked with the compensation of the executive and the performance of the firm, ROI or return on the investment along with the stockholder interest. The influence of the compensation plan on the behavior of the managerial staffs as well as the performance of the company is elucidated in the agency theory, which illustrated that the employees are motivated for attaining their objectives (McMillan, 2010). Thus, it can be state that there is a link between the compensation plan and the performance of the employees as well as the performance of the firm. Financial benefits influence and motivate employees The financial benefits are provided by the companies to their employees in order to motivate them to achieve their task objectives. The financial benefits that are given to the employees such as fringe benefits, paid vacations, and bonus that helps to motivate the employees (Audit and assurance (United Kingdom), 2007). The organization commonly gives financial benefits to the employees who are having one year of experience and it is the extra benefits that are provided to them. Role of fairness while determining compensation The fairness consideration is very much important while determining the compensation plans. The compensation committee should include fair plans for compensation and determining the appropriate compensation strategies (Benefit from financial advice, 2010). Justice and equity are related concepts that have been connected with the perception of fairness. Reward fairness and equity pay is related to the attitudes of the employees that help in the development of the company and also enhancing pay satisfaction (Pickett, 2005). Therefore, it can be concluded that the perception of the employees towards fairness compensation plans is closely related to the behavior, attitudes and performance of the employees. Fairness or equity arises in different context in the compensation plan. Some of the major areas are as follows: The economic and leg issue of the equal pay for work Differences in pay caused by market pressure or external competition The fairness of wages for the workers who are performing the same job The views of the employees in relative to their pay The perception of fairness can influence the ability of a company to attract, motivate and retain its employees (Braiotta, 2004). The fairness or equity is achieved when return on equity is equal to the investment. Therefore, fairness or equity achieved when the pay is equal to the value of work performed. Executive compensation committee provide benefits to determine compensation The executive compensation committee provides benefits in determining the compensation in order to encourage and motivate employees towards their objectives. The committee is mainly responsible to oversee the design, planning and implementation of the compensation plans and benefit strategies of the organization which includes base salary, retirement plans, incentive and equity compensation plans and the director compensation (Saxena et al., 2010). The benefits are provided to encourage employees and achieving the goals of the company. The main purpose of the compensation committee is to provide benefits to the employees through benefits plans. The compensation plan will help to support the key objectives of the company and it is also considered as pay for the performance. Structure an executive compensation committee There are both practical and legal reasons for the board of directors to establish the compensation committee. The listed organizations are required to have the compensation committees that include independent directors (Catuogno, Arena and Vigan, 2016). The compensation committee helps to deal with difficult situations and operating all the activities of the organization. It is significant for compensation committees to have autonomy in respect to the incentive compensation plans to ensure that awards under the plans qualify for exemptions. The size of the committee should be composed of from 3 to 5 members. The members of the committee were commonly appointed by the board of directors. The corporate governance assigned task of the appointing committee members which includes members of compensation committee. Therefore, the corporate governance is responsible to focus on establishing qualifications for the board membership. It is significant that the compensation committee should be experts in the compensation but they should understand the costs, risks, mechanics and other ramifications of the compensation decisions (Credit unions, 2006). Conclusion The compensation for the executives along with the employees would get financial benefits which will help to motivate them to achieve their goals. The benefits of the employees that should be implemented by the company are retirement plan, life insurance, stock ownership plan, paid vacation and disability insurance (Executive compensation, 2006). The compensation to the employees is the authority of the executives and the benefits that are provided by to the employees in the form of financial matters help to motivate the employees in achieving the goals of the organization. The aim of this research provides the auditor to create the statement ISA 700 for the purpose of reduction of the audit expectation gap. The auditor believes that the financial statement helps in the providing the fair and the proper statement for creation of the accurate report for the creation of the true and the value presented which helps in the creation of the framework for the financial reports (Gold, A, 2012). Thus for the purpose of this the financial reporting framework is created with the creation of the financial accounting framework and thus it also helps in the enhancement of the framework. Therefore the objective that lies in the paper is that the investigation of the users statements that are helpful for the creation of the comparison of the two process that are included for the creation of the comparison between the management and the experienced auditors assignment is made for the enhancement of the responsibility and thus it also helps in the development of the stra tegies that are required for the creation statement for the purpose of experiencing and thus the responsibilities comes under the code of the ISA 700 (Spiceland, 2009). The audit report creates the significance of the nature and the scope of the financial reports that are helpful for the enhancement of the responsibilities of the expectation. For this purpose the auditors reports are created for appropriate opinions that helps in carrying out the responsibilities and thus it also provision the proper facilities for the detection of the frauds and also helps in the provision of the proper structure for the company. Group no. 1. Persistence of Audit Expectation Gap The implementation of the ISA 700 entirely can be done by the help of the expectation gap. It also helps in carrying out the changes that helps in the creation of the report for the auditor and thus it also helps in the reduction of the expectation gap for the purpose of the enhancement of the perceptions. It also helps in predicting the patterns that are for matching purpose of the user and the responsibilities of the user for the carrying out successfully 2. Audit Expectation Gap The expectation gap made by the audit helps in the creation of difference between the users and the financials and thus t is also seen that the audit expectation gap concerns about the financial expectation gap and thus it also helps in the auditing the financial statements. The creation of the differences also helps in the development of the true value presented by the auditor. 4. Responsibility of the auditor The vital responsibility that an auditor carries out is the preparation of the fair value and the true value of the financial statements. it also helps in the determination of the fraudulency and the omission of the financial statements are detected. 5. Effectiveness of Auditors report to reduce audit expectation gap With the proper evaluation of the reports it can be concluded that the expansion of the report created impact on the auditors. Thus the changes are made for the creation of the perception of the auditor which is required for the changes. 6. Effect of the financial statement on audit expectation gap It is evaluated that the acknowledgement must be made for the creation of the comparison for the uneducated students and thus it also helps in the evaluation of the effects that are required for the enhancement of the auditors for the creation of the report. Thus it also helps in the creation of the differentiation between the students and the auditors. The foremost important objective is the checking manipulation which helps in the realization for the existence of the manipulation and thus it also helps in providing the report to the auditor. For the purpose of checking the manipulation scenario, the competitors asked the questions that are helpful for concerning the values that are required for the enhancement of the survey for the purpose of the investigation (Executive compensation, 2011). The total mean answers were seemed to be 4.81 for the purpose of the entire treatment of the report and thus around 2.20 of the treatments were merely done. Thus on the other hand the accepting of the statement is done for the proper creation of the judgment that helps in the enhancement of the rating and thus it also helps in providing the distinctive means of the enhancement techniques that helps in carrying out the process of manipulation judgment and the behavior of each group (Ezra, 2015).The audit expectation gap helps in the creation of the variation of the public expectations and hence the growth of the expectations is made for the auditors. It provides the proper framing of the knowledge and thus it also helps in focusing on the significant issues. The researcher also focuses on the evaluation of the audit expectation gaps that are created during the audit expectation gap of Ghana (Agyei, A, 2013). Thus the profession is essentially required for the creation of the reasonable expectations that must be used by the different users. The Audit process is done for the creation of the enhancement of the audit types and thus it also helps in the creation of the increment of the expectations which seems to be useful for the proper creation of the accounts of the company (Johnston, 2010). Thus it also helps in providing the priority to the company for the creation of the expectation gaps and thus the presentation of the audit is created for the variance of the expectations with the creation of the originality report by the auditor. For this purpose the rigorous form helps in the origination of the report that are expected to be presented by the external auditor. For the primary object of this participants selection of this research, researches apply the question set to ask the question. These techniques are commonly used by the researchers and also to seem to be purposive and convenient. The purposive sampling procedures are mostly utilized for the purpose of the formation of the attempt in accordance to reflect the collection of respondents by the knowledge. The convenient sampling methods are used for the object to the progress of these systems (Kuo and Yu, 2014). Moreover, it assists to enhance of questionnaires which are strictly responsible for creating this rigorous approach. The research of the questionnaires mostly consists of the only number of 50 questions which are incorporated for the object of continuation of this favorable response. It also seen when the 30 questions are mostly returned from auditors and rest of the 35 questions is also returned by the stockbrokers. Conversely, from these answered 20 questions are commonly seemed to be functional for each group. The study also assists in the attending and the collection of the primary data that is necessary for the appropriate participation process. It is collected with the assistance of the given data and the answers are received from the participants. The near ending of the questions occur and therefore it also provides assistance in the improvement of the score which appeared to increase from 1 to 5. Therefore this helps with the transition of strong disagreement to strong agreement and there after the anonymity was followed by the continuation and the conducting of the study. The fraud detection is used for the creation of the continuation of the primary objectives that are helps in the continuation of the primary objectives for the study of the process. the vital objective is that the auditing structure helps in the creation of the modification for the development of the objectives that creates the proper reporting statement. Thus it also helps in the continuation of the business scenario. As per the people and the process of the organization, the dissatisfaction of the objectives are seemed to b taking place with the help of the proper acquisition of the band gaps between the expectation gaps. For this reason the two flaws are detected for the purpose of discussing the expectations and henceforth the annual report of the audit is presented. References Agyei, A, Aye, BK Owusu-Yeboah, E 2013, 'An assessment of audit expectation gap in Ghana', Int. J. Acad. Res. Account.,Financ. Manage. Sci, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 112-8. Audit and assurance (United Kingdom). (2007). London: BPP Learning Media. Becker, C. (2006).The effects of type of accounting standard and outcome knowledge on juror evaluations of auditor responsibility. Benefit from financial advice. (2010).BDJ, 208(8), pp.369-369. Braiotta, L. (2004).The audit committee handbook. New York: Wiley. Catuogno, S., Arena, C. and Vigan, R. (2016). 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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Sample of Hook in Essay

Sample of Hook in EssayWriting a sample of hook in essay is very important. Because if the first paragraph has a good hook, it will attract readers. And when readers are attracted, they will try to read the rest of the article.Hook is the first part of the article. It shows how your articles will be related to each other. When you have written the hook, make sure that you have thought of the benefit of the readers in the third paragraph. So they will think that you are telling something that they can do and that you will help them achieve something.Do not be too direct with your idea. Readers are not stupid. They will notice if you are telling them something that they cannot do. If you have a clear idea in your mind, you can include a diagram. This will make your reader understand your idea.You can use colors, pictures, or any other attention grabbing ideas that will pull attention. Use your imagination. Draw something so that you can keep your readers' attention on it.Another great example is this. When you are writing a simple paragraph, do not get into a long sentence. Instead, just give your readers what they want. But then, when you get to the end of the paragraph, make sure that you include a short and direct statement that shows what you are trying to say.After finishing an essay, try to read the rest of the article. Does it have more hooks? Sometimes, it is possible that your readers don't know what you are trying to tell them.They will find it hard to understand that what youwere trying to tell them, and this will be a writers trap. Because writers have their own tendency to ignore what their readers are telling them.Write a sample of hook in essay to gain better understanding of the language. But always remember to follow the advice given to you by the expert.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Hp External Analysis free essay sample

Hewlett Packard External Environment Analysis Hewlett Packard External Environment Analysis In today’s constantly evolving business world, it is essential for organizations to fully master and incorporate strategic management theory into decision making processes. As the world’s largest technology company, HP brings together a portfolio that spans printing, personal computing, software, services, and IT infrastructure to solve customer problems (Hewlett Packard, 2010). HP is well positioned to outperform the market. The strength of HP’s portfolio is leaner cost structure and accelerating market momentum that gives the confidence to raise the full year outlook (Hurd, 2010)†. One of the most important aspects of Hewlett Packard’s strategy building is an analysis of the external business environment that they operate in. As pointed out in the text Strategic Management. Concepts and Cases Competitiveness and Globalization, â€Å"The firm’s understanding of the external environment is matched with knowledge about its internal environment to form its vision, to develop its mission, and to identify and implement actions that result in strategic competitiveness and above-average returns. We will write a custom essay sample on Hp External Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (Hitt, Ireland, and Hoskisson, 2009) In this paper, there will be an analysis of Hewlett Packard’s external business environment and its impact on the firm’s strategic business continuity plan, including examination of the three components of the external environment, the general environment, the industry environment, and the competitor environment. External Environmental Analysis Before analyzing Hewlett Packard’s external influences, it is important to highlight the specific processes in an external environmental analysis. This analysis is performed so that firms can correctly identify potential opportunities and threats in their external environment, and involves continually scanning, monitoring, forecasting, and assessing segments of the general environment. Scanning is the process of studying each segment of the general environment to identify upcoming or ongoing changes that can impact the firm. Monitoring refers to observing the changes identified in the scanning process to determine if a particular trend can be singled out which would have significant consequences for the firm. Trend identification is an important aspect of monitoring, as well as recognizing the trend’s effect on the firm’s stakeholders. Forecasting takes the changes and trends that scanning and monitoring produced, and attempts to formulate useful predictions based on those changes and trends. One important factor in forecasting is identifying the time frame and rate of change for trends, so that the firm does not miss an opportunity or get caught off guard by a threat. The final step in external environmental analysis is assessing. The objective of assessing is to determine the timing and significance of the effects of environmental changes and trends on the strategic management of the firm. † (Hitt, Ireland, and Hoskisson, 2009) The prime focus of assessing is determining the impact of forecasted trends on strategic direction of the firm. Assessing decides if an opportunity or threat requires a change in plans, or the firm to take a new direction. General Environment The first component of the external environment is the general environment. â€Å"The general environment is composed of dimensions in the broader society that influence an industry and the firms within it. (Hitt, Ireland, and Hoskisson, 2009) These dimensions of broader society are further classified into six categories. The six categories of the general environment are demographic, economic, political and legal, socio-cultural, technological, and global. A large, global firm like Hewlett-Packard will find opportunities and threats in each aspect of the general environment. The demographic category of the general environment includes factors such as population size, age structure, ethnic mix, income distribution, and geographic distribution. Hewlett-Packard’s market position as the world’s largest technology company requires careful consideration of demographic factors. Hewlett-Packard’s strategic continuity is impacted by this factor because it must identify markets with the correct demographic to provide an opportunity to sell its computer products. Markets with an unfavorable income distribution or an older age structure may need to be avoided until more favorable conditions arise. The economic category of the general environment includes factors such as interest rates, gross domestic product, and business savings rates. Hewlett-Packard’s continuity strategy is impacted by economic factors in a similar fashion as it is impacted by demographics. Markets located in a strong economy represent opportunities for the firm. Additionally, developing economies may provide lower interest rates, or favorable business savings rates. Economies in decline can represent a threat to Hewlett-Packard, as expensive computer purchases may not be a consumer’s focus. The political and legal category of the general environment includes factors such as antitrust laws, taxation laws, and labor laws. Hewlett-Packard can face huge opportunities and threats with changes and trends in legislation. Hewlett-Packard produces a wide range of computer products, and if it is challenged by an antitrust law, it could face a very large threat. However, favorable changes in tax law can represent just as large an opportunity for the firm to save money. The socio-cultural category of the general environment includes factors such as workforce diversity, shifts in work and career preferences, and shifts in product and service preferences. Hewlett-Packard’s business continuity is very concerned with monitoring and planning for preference trends in the computer technology industry. Proper assessment and integration of a new product preference can represent an important opportunity, while missing this preference could end up a threat. The technological category of the general environment includes factors such as product innovations, new communications technologies, and government supported research and development expenditures. Obviously this category caries great significance for a computer based firm like Hewlett-Packard. Product innovations can represent an opportunity for strategic continuity if Hewlett-Packard can incorporate them, a threat to strategic continuity if they cannot. New communications technologies can be utilized to assist in streamlining operations, and represent an opportunity to lower long term costs. The final category of the general environment is global. The global category includes factors such as critical global markets, new industrialized countries, and cultural and institutional attributes. Hewlett-Packard is a global firm, and changes or trends in the global markets must be planned for to ensure strategic continuity.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Others-Movie Review Essay Example

The Others The Others-Movie Review Paper The Others-Movie Review Paper Nurul Hazwani Bt Hatta M12L THE OTHERS Movie Review The Others is one of the psychological horror movies that impress me with its good story plot and suspense elements. It was written, directed and scored by Spanish director Alejandro Amenabar, starring Nicole Kidman and Christopher Eccleston. It is inspired partly by the 1898 novella The Turn of the Screw. Grace Stewart (Nicole Kidman) is a Catholic mother who lives with her two small children in a remote country house in the British Crown Dependency of Jersey, in the immediate aftermath of World War II. The war was playing vital role in being contributing factor that cause depression in Grace. The stress is the triggering element that cause phychology disorder in her. The children, Anne and Nicholas have an uncommon disease, xeroderma pigmentosa, characterized by photosensitivity, so their lives are structured around a series of complex rules designed to protect them from inadvertent exposure to sunlight. The new arrival of three servants at the house - an aging nanny and servant named Mrs. Bertha Mills ,an elderly gardener named Mr. Edmund Tuttle, and a young mute girl named Lydia - coincides with a number of odd events, and Grace begins to fear that they are not alone. Anne draws pictures of four people: a man, a woman, a boy called Victor, and an old woman, all of whom she says she has seen in the house. A piano is heard from inside a locked room when no one is inside. Grace finds and examines a book of the dead, which shows mourning portraits taken in the 19th century of recently deceased corpses. I was so shocked when the doors which Grace believes to have been closed are found mysteriously ajar. Grace tries hunting down the intruders with a shotgun but cannot find them. She scolds her daughter for believing in ghosts - until she hears them herself. Eventually, convincing herself that something unholy is in the house, she runs out in the fog to get the local priest to bless the house. Meanwhile, the servants, led by Mrs. Mills, are clearly up to something of their own. The gardener buries a headstone under autumn leaves, and Mrs. Mills listens faithfully to Annes allegations against her mother. Outside, Grace loses herself in the heavy fog, but she miraculously discovers her husband Charles who she thought had been killed in the war, and brings him back to the house. Charles is distant during the one day he spends in the house, and Mrs. Mills is heard telling Mr. Tuttle, I do not think he knows where he is. Grace later sees an old woman dressed up like her daughter. Grace says, You are not my daughter! and attacks her. However, she finds that she has actually attacked her daughter instead. Anne refuses to be near her mother afterward, while Grace swears she saw the old woman. Mrs. Mills tells Anne that she too has seen the people, but they cannot yet tell the mother because Grace will not accept what she is not ready for. Charles is stunned when Anne tells him the things her mother did to her. He says he must leave for the front and disappears again. After Charles leaves, Anne continues to see things, including Victors whole family and the old woman. Grace breaks down to Mrs. Mills, who claims that sometimes the world of the dead gets mixed up with the world of the living. At last, I know that actually, it is Grace’s family who is dead, not the intruders. The intruders are the living people who bought the house after the death of Grace’s family. Grace and her children cannot accept the fact that they are dead. Grace may have some mental illness when she killed her children with pillow and then kill herself with a rifle. She was suffering from stress as she was feeling isolated and lonely as her husband didn’t come back from war. I love the suspense element and the twisting plot story. At first, I thought that the intruders are the bad guy, but actually Grace’s family is the one that possess the house and reluctant to leave their mansion even when they are dead. From this story,I learn that it is important to control our emotion and be patient in facing any difficulties in our life to lead a healthy and happy life.